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Why Torrisoule?

Torrisoule is one of two hamlets that the town of Huntly developed from, the other being the Raws of Strathbogie. For more information please follow the link below.

It was also written about in a 1937 article in The Gordon Schools, Huntly (see magazine  excerpt below). Torrisoule was noted as the name of an Inn, a place of public entertainment for all wayfarers.

Hence the name Torrisoule intrigued us and evoked our imaginations to wonder what this drinking place would have been like.      


In the 17th century, there was no Huntly as we know it, but instead, a long, straggling village called The Raws of Strathbogie.
This extended from the ford over the Bogie up the "old road'-the only remaining vestige of the old Raws-thence it continued across what is now the golf course over the little stone bridge, to the bridge over the Deveron, which is sometimes called the Elgin Bridge. Traces of this road are still to be found on the east side of the Castle and on the golf course. At that time there was no Square, though probably the country folk with produce to sell congregated there about the old standing stones. Though only two remain now, it is likely there were then considerably more of them, for it has been surmised that this was at one time a Druid circle. 
The only inn, called Tirriesoal or Tilliesoul, was situated near the west Toll Bar and was probably beside the Meadow Well. This, along with the Clinkie's Well and the Duchess's Well, formed the main water supply. Opinions differ as to what was the particular function of Tirriesoul. Some say that it was a place of public entertainment for all wayfarers, while others hold that it was set apart for the domestics and horses of guests at the Castle.
In 1640, "when Munroe-a leader of the Covenanting forces - lifts his camp frae Strathogie, his soldiers took mickle bleached cloth in whole webs bleaching up and down Strathbogie ground, whereof there yearly uses to be plenty over the walls of the place to dry."
So that we need not be surprised to be told that at that time there were many  websters or weavers in the Raws long before McVeagh, an Irishman, started his works for the manufacture of linen. 
There was no church, worshippers having to go either to Dunbenman or Kinnoir, and not until 1727, when the parishes were united and named Huntly, did the town have church of its own.
This first church was built about the middle of what is now Gordon Street, but no trace of it now remains.
IRENE HUGHES, Class IV The Gordon Schools, Huntly, Magazine.

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Roselea, King Street

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